Vaccines we offer

Vaccines we offer

Vaccines are the safest way to protect you, your children and your community from a long list of serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses. Contact us today to know which vaccines are applicable to you or your child.
Vaccines we offer include:
- Infant/childhood vaccines
- Travellers & school requirements vaccines
- Adolescent vaccines
- General vaccines
Infant/childhood vaccines

- Bcg
- Pentavalent
- Rotavirus vaccine
- Vitamin A
- Measles
- Chicken pox
- MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- Meningitis
- Typhoid
- Hepatitis A & B
- Pneumococcal
Travellers & School Requirements

- Tetanus Toxid
- Diphteria & Tetanus
- Yellow Fever
- Meningitis
- Hepatitis Booster
- MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- Chicken Pox
- Hepatitis A
- Typhoid
General Vaccines

- Cholera
- Pneumococcal vaccine 23
- Immunoglobulin (rabies) vaccine
- Human hepatitis b immunoglobulin
- Rhesus immunoglobulin (rhogam)
- Typhoid