Inpatient Hospital Stay Guide


We wish you a swift recovery and a pleasant stay at our facility. Find out more about your stay:

Inpatient Hospital Stay Guide
Your doctors and nurses are here to help you get better. Please co-operate fully with them and provide them with all necessary and accurate information regarding your health.
All procedures and interventions will be explained to you. If you are unclear about any aspect of your care, please ask questions.
All previously prescribed or utilised medication should be handed over to your admitting doctor so appropriate care plans can be instituted. All medication is dispensed by the nurses. Do not take medication on your own while on admission unless under the instruction of a doctor or nurse.
Comfortable clothing that can be easily removed when we wish to examine you. Your personal effects: soap, toothbrush, nightwear, non-slip footwear etc. Please note that you are responsible for your belongings while on admission.
Do not bring: valuables, jewellery and large sums of cash. The hospital will not be held responsible for the loss of personal items.
Please store your belongings in the side locker and wardrobe provided. An intercom is by your beside. You may call the nurses’ station for assistance. Each room is fitted with cable TV and is fully air-conditioned. Wi-Fi services are available at a fee. In case of malfunctions, please call 135 on your intercom.
Tokens can be purchased from the admin office between the hours of 8.30am till 4pm.
Our nursing team is there to assist you at all times. We wish to monitor your pain. When in pain, please alert your nurse who will modify your pain management as appropriate in conjunction with your doctor.
Do not get out of bed on your own if you are: weak, dizzy or faint.
Please call for assistance.
In an effort to protect your privacy, we will only disclose your care and progress to a person previously identified by you. All other persons will be asked to contact you or the said person for details.
Your care team will sanitise their hands as they move from patient to patient. Please ask sick friends and family not to visit you while in hospital. Visitors are not allowed to sit on or lie on patient beds.
Children below the age of 12 are not allowed on the wards except in post-delivery or paediatric care rooms. Such children must show no signs of infection such as fever, runny nose, cough or rashes.
Please encourage your visitors to sanitise their hands before entering your room and before leaving the hospital.
Informed consent will be taken before you have surgery. A family member is required to sign the consent form. All information and counselling regarding the procedure will be provided prior to your admission by your clinical care team. Laboratory staff may come around to take samples from you. Please co-operate with them.
Our in-house kitchen provides nutritious meals to aid your recovery. A menu card will be given to you to choose your meals. We do not provide meals that are not on the menu.
If you are paying cash for any or all aspects of your care, please see the attached document. All bills must be settled in full before discharge.
Upon discharge, you will be provided a discharge summary form signed by your doctor. Your medication if any will be given to you. Please note when you need to return for follow up and take all medication as prescribed.
Our After Care Team will contact you when necessary.
Once again, we wish you a speedy recovery!